Types Of Situations Where A Chandler DUI Attorney Can Help You

Types Of Situations Where A Chandler DUI Attorney Can Help You

Did you know that there are specific types of DUI situations that a Chandler DUI Attorney can help you with? A Chandler DUI Lawyer is somebody who specializes in the DWI process, specifically the process that involves the court system. They know exactly what needs to be said to the judge in order to help their clients. However, some situations can make this more difficult. Below, you will find many situations where your family DUI attorney will be able to provide you with help.

Refusal to take a blood test or blow testWhen a police officer expects that you are under the influence, they will often ask you to take a blood or blood test. This helps them determine if you are actually under the influence and operating a vehicle. Without doing these types of tests, they have no concrete evidence to determine that you are actually drunk. For this reason, if you deny the blood test, they have no choice but to take you to jail and convict you of a DWI. At that point, it will be your responsibility to go to court and explain why you did not opt for the blood or blow test, and why you are completely innocent if that is the case. More often than not, it is extremely hard to win your court case after you have denied a blood or blow test. A lot of judges will look at this as concrete evidence that you are hiding something, and they will immediately find you guilty. This is why you need a highly specialized lawyer or attorney to be able to serve you in this type of situation. They will know exactly what needs to be said to the judge, in order to help lessen your charges and get some of the devastating blow of a DUI conviction off of your back. DUIs and DWIs can have a lot of charges that are associated with that. You will face hefty financial fines, you will have possible jail time, and there will be a possible criminal conviction on your history. This is something to be very aware of, you need to work with your attorney or lawyer to get these charges removed.

Failing a blood, blow or other testIf the police officer on scene conducted a blood, blow, or some other type of test on you to determine that you are under the influence, it’s possible that you could have failed this test. If he did fail, this means that you would have to explain to the judge why you were drinking while driving. At this point, it will be impossible to proclaim and a sense, since there is concrete evidence that disproves your story. It is very rare that a police officer will lie to the court system, and even if they did, they will probably be believed over you. This will not be an easy charge to get reduced or removed from your record, but your lawyer or attorney will do the best job that they can, if you have failed the blood, blow or some other type of task.

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