Steps to Take After a Car Accident

You’re sitting at stop light, and suddenly your car lurches forward. You’ve been hit. Even if the accident is a small fender bender, there are certain steps you need to take to ensure that the recovery process goes smoothly.

1. Make Sure Everyone Is Safe

The first priority after an accident is getting everyone to safety. Try to pull over to the side of the road and get out of the flow of traffic. If this is not possible, exit the vehicle safely. Call for medical assistance even if you and your passengers seem okay, as many injuries may not be obvious at first glance.

2. Call the Police

Even if the damage to your car is minimal, it’s still a good idea to have a police report on file, especially if you need to file an insurance claim to be compensated for damages. The person who caused the accident may want to keep a report from being filed, but this is not in your best interest. 

3. Document Everything

A police report is a good start, but it’s smart not to rely on another person’s account of what happened. Take pictures of the damage to your vehicle and get copies of the report as well as the contact and insurance information of the other driver.

4. Hire an Attorney

If there is significant damage to your car or if you or your passengers were injured, you need to hire an auto accident attorney in Columbia MD. The other driver’s insurance agent may offer you less than you deserve or try to convince you to have your insurance cover the damages. Having an advocate in your corner who is well-versed in these types of negotiations is definitely a plus.

Getting into a car wreck is already an inconvenience. Following these tips can help you prevent this interruption to your day from becoming a larger ordeal than it needs to be.

What are Bail Bonds?

In the US criminal system, bail is a set amount deposit that is made to a court to ensure that a defendant will show up for future court proceedings. 

The amount of bail that is required to release a defendant awaiting trial is set by a court judge and is dependent upon the severity of the crime and the potential risk of releasing the defendant into the community, as well as whether or not the accused poses a flight risk. A judge may also choose to refuse to offer bail, meaning the defendant must remain in jail while awaiting trial. For minor crimes, a judge may also release the defendant on his own recognizance. In this case, there is no bail, and the accused is released on condition he agrees to the court’s orders.

Because many defendants are unable to pay the high cost of bail in cash, bail bonds Scranton PA are often used in lieu of cash bail.

A bail bond is a type of surety bond that is issued by a bail bondsman in lieu of the full bail amount. Bail bondsmen charge a fee, generally 10% of the total bail amount, to issue the bond. The defendant pays the fee and then insures the rest of the bail with collateral, such as a home or piece of property.

When a defendant is out on bail, he or she is expected to show up for scheduled hearings. If the defendant does not appear as ordered, bail is revoked. The defendant’s total bail fee will be remanded to the court and a warrant issued for the defendant’s arrest.

In general, the bail bondsman retains the 10% of bail amount paid to him as his fee for services and for having incurred the risk of the bond. However, the property that was put up as collateral insurance (such as a home, vehicle or property) is returned to the defendant. 

Understanding Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation is a program that provides insurance coverage for employees who are injured on the job. No one should feel unsafe at work, and if you are injured, you deserve to have your expenses paid for. Consider these facts about workers’ compensation to find out if you are eligible. It can be a huge help if you ever find yourself needing it.

Who Is Eligible?

To be eligible for workers’ compensation, you must be an employee of a company that carries this type of insurance. Before you accept a job, you should ask if this is something that the company has. This is especially important if you work in an inherently dangerous field, although injuries can happen in any workplace at any time.

What Type of Injuries Are Covered?

Workers’ compensation only covers injuries that are sustained at your place of work. These injuries can occur as a result of ineffective safety regulations or improper training on equipment use. In some cases, chronic work injuries may be considered, although filing a claim for these may prove more challenging. The person filing the claim must be able to prove that the injury occurred as a direct result of work conditions.

How Do I File a Claim?

In most states, there is a timely filing stipulation on workers’ compensation claims, so you should file your claim as soon as you are able. After the incident occurs, you should inform your supervisor at work. You should ask that a written report is made. An Iowa workers compensation lawyer can help you determine what you need to file your claim.

Being injured on the job can be a scary thing, but there are tools in place that can help you get the compensation that you need. In this situation, remember that proper documentation is key.

Benefits of Becoming a Notary

Millions of Americans need notary services every year. Although becoming a notary requires more than submitting a notary application Florida, the time and effort are well worth the benefits.

Resume Benefits

Becoming a notary can add value to your resume. Every company requires the services of a notary from time to time. For example, notaries are needed in banking, medical, legal, insurance, technology and even government agencies and organizations. If you already have your commission, your current or any prospective company does not need to pay for training, bonding and the application process.

Extra Income

Notaries are state appointed, so they become public officials when they receive their commissions. Therefore, your notary commission belongs to you alone. Even if your company pays for your training and application, that company does not own you or your notary services.

You can offer notary services to anyone, whether they work in your company or not, allowing you to earn extra income outside of work. Notaries typically charge $10-15 per notarized document, and if you have to travel, you can include reasonable travel and other expenses.

You may also pursue additional responsibilities as a notary signing agent. These individuals witness mortgages or other real estate loan documents. These independent contractors are hired by title companies and may work outside normal business hours. The fees for this type of notary service are significantly higher than regular services.


If you choose to offer your notary services outside of a company, you can choose your own schedule. For example, if you are a stay-at-home parent, you may choose to offer your services when your spouse is home or on the weekends. Because many individuals, and sometimes companies, require these services outside business hours, you can choose a schedule that fits your lifestyle.

Once you have your notary commission, you can choose your hours, fees and who you work with. You may even offer discounted or free services to those in your community who cannot afford a notary. If you are interested in a lucrative, liberating career, consider becoming a notary.

How Are Bail Amounts Determined?

Bail is an amount set by police or criminal courts designed to guarantee the cooperation of the defendant. The defendant can choose to pay bail, which will be returned to them if they attend their hearings. They can also choose not to pay bail and be detained until their hearing.

Once bail is set, the defendant can pay with cash or Montgomery County bail bonds. Depending on the amount, some collateral may be required if bail bonds are used. Bail is usually decided in a hearing and is determined by several factors.

Type of Crime

The nature of the crime plays a large role in determining the amount of bail. More serious crimes have larger bails where minor crimes, such as misdemeanors, have smaller bails. One method of determining bail by crime committed is based on the maximum sentence length for said crime. 

Flight Risk

The purpose of bail is to grant the defendant freedom until their trial. Paying bail helps guarantee that the defendant will return for hearings. If the court feels that a person is a flight risk, meaning they will attempt to flee and not attend their trial, they may have a higher bail. A person can be considered a flight risk if they have a history of missing hearings, have ties to other countries or if there is a significant amount of evidence against them.

Risk to Community

If a criminal is likely to commit violent crimes or otherwise endanger others, their bail may be increased. A person can be considered a danger to the community if they committed a violent crime or have a history of violent behavior.

Bail amounts are determined based on the type of crime committed, if the person is a flight risk and whether they are a risk to the community. If a defendant’s bail is low, they are more likely to be able to pay it in exchange for freedom until their trial.

Human Error Cause Hong Kong Ferry Crash

According to maritime expert, human error caused the October ferry crash that killed 39 people.

The ferry, Sea Smooth, was a commuter ferry that was carrying passengers from Hong Kong Island to Lamma Island. On October 1, the Sea Smooth collided with Lamma IV. This collision was the city’s worst maritime disaster in the past 4 years. The collision coincided with Hong Kong’s celebration of the anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

The Lamma IV had families and employees of Hong Kong Electric Co. These passengers were on their way to view holiday fireworks in Hong Kong. There were also children on board the ferry.

According to maritime rules, two vessels that may collide must each turn starboard to avoid a crash. Starboard means right. The Lamma IV turned starboard. On the other hand, the Sea smooth captain did not. An expert witness stated that the captain’s maneuver was an attempt to cross ahead of the Lamma IV.

The maritime expert witness said that the Lamma IV could have done more to avoid a collision. This captain had approximately 30 seconds to turn right more. He also could have been more attentive to radar readings.

However, according to the expert, the Sea Smooth captain was definitely much more at fault. The Sea Smooth was traveling at a speed twice that of the Lamma IV. The captain was also alone in the wheelhouse, and his human error was probably fueled by the fact that he was alone. Lastly, he turned left, in the same direction that the Lamma IV was turning.

According to emergency calls, the Lamma IV quickly sank after the collision. Some witnesses claim that the Sea Smooth ran into the Lamma IV again when it started its engine. According to these witnesses, this second collision contributed to the Lamma IV sinking.

Many victims were trapped and drowned inside the boat cabin. There were 39 lives claimed in the crash. Eight of the victims were children. There will be more investigation into the collision. Survivors will be called to the stand to testify.

Everyone involved in this collision is suffering from physical and emotional trauma. The families of the victims have forever lost a loved one. If you or someone you love was involved in a human error accident like this, there are legal resources available. Such damages can result in significant medical bills, long lasting physical trauma, and emotional loss. An expert personal injury lawyer can help you seek damages for any trauma you experience.

Firework Burn Injuries

Used around the world and typically in the U. s. Declares for 4th of September and New Season’s festivities, fireworks carry out the kid in everyone developing a sensation of awe and awe. Unfortunately, the neglect of fireworks or inappropriate product packaging can confirm to be risky. So much so that the govt placed them under a unique law, The Government Hazardous Ingredients Act.

Firework Injuries

The higher part of firework relevant get rid of accidents consist of arms, feet, sight and hearing. The Customer Product Protection Percentage (CPSC) approximated that in 2008 alone, 7,000 individuals were handled in urgent bedrooms for accidents relevant to fireworks. These accidents included:


More than half of all firework relevant accidents are get rid of relevant as the main component is the extremely intense gunpowder. Teenagers in the 15-19 age team had the biggest per household damage rate among all age categories. However, booming fireworks are not the only types that cause injuries; sparklers, usually regarded safe for children can be risky for children under five. According to an comprehensive research of accidents from fireworks, 7% of accidents came from fireworks and more than 65% of those were experienced by children five years old or young.

In 2006 in the four-week period before and after September 4th, the CPSC found that approximately 1,000 children were harmed by sparklers alone. The extremely hot heat range of 1,800 levels F created by sparklers can spark outfits and cause serious burns.

Physical accidents are not the only kind experienced in firework relevant stress. Just as great, if not higher, is the psychological stress sufferers may encounter. According to a research out the Holland in 2005, sufferers encounter important psychological illnesses, including: uneasiness, stress, depressive disorders and sensation of ineffectiveness.

Legal Rights

Because the selling and use of fireworks is controlled by state and federal law, you may be eligible to settlement if you or a family participant has experienced a firework relevant damage. These could consist of present and upcoming costs as well as unique lawful loss, such as:

Safety First, then Teamwork

Fireworks are so well placed in our holiday customs that most individuals are willing to take some threats to obtain the entertainment that fireworks carry. One choice for the utmost safety factors are to be present at a firework show which nearly every city in The united states has already organized out. If you decide to capture your own fireworks, they must be used with alert and it is always easier to keep an eye on children when several grownups are assisting out.

If you or a friend has continual a get rid of damage from a fireworks incident, Zinda & Davis PLLC may be able to help you restore loss. Our professional attorneys understand the regulations concerning this type of accidental injuries court action. We encourage you to complete the form on this page or contact us. We will assess your case FREE of Cost. All information you discuss with one of our attorneys is private.

How Do I Know If I Have Whiplash?

If you have recently been involved in a road traffic accident and are now experiencing a stiff and sore neck, it is very possible you have sustained a whiplash injury. In this article we explain how to tell whether you do indeed have whiplash, and what you need to do if you suffered this injury because of another driver’s negligence.

Diagnosing whiplash

When diagnosing whiplash, you need to consider the following:-

1. Have you had a recent history of trauma?

Whiplash is a soft-tissue injury that occurs when a forceful impact causes the head to whip back and forth in a violent, rapid motion. This will stretch the neck beyond its normal range of movement, damaging the muscles, ligaments and tendons. If you have been subject to such trauma – for example, another vehicle drove into the back of your care – it is likely you have sustained whiplash.

2. Are you got the characteristic symptoms?

If you have suffered a recent history of trauma, you must establish whether the symptoms you are now experiencing are indicative of whiplash. Typically, this will involve pain in the neck and shoulders, reduced neck movement, headaches and fatigue. In more severe cases it may also include pins and needles in the hands, difficulty swallowing and blurred vision.

3. Have you asked a doctor?

If you have been involved in a traumatic accident and are now complaining of the symptoms described above, it is very possible you have sustained a whiplash injury. However, you must ensure this diagnosis is correct by seeking urgent medical attention. A doctor will be able to confirm whether or not you have whiplash, and will also ensure that you are not suffering a more serious condition because of your accident – for example, a slipped or fractured disc.

Do you have a whiplash claim?

Should a medical professional does diagnose you with whiplash, the next thing you must consider is: who was responsible for my injury. This is important, as the majority of whiplash injuries arise because of a road traffic accident. If this has happened to you, and the accident was somebody else’s fault, you will be the innocent victim of personal injury. This means you will be legally entitled to claim compensation for the pain and suffering you have wrongfully endured.

If the accident you have been involved in was not your fault, contact a specialist whiplash claims solicitor today to discuss your options.

Bicyclist Sustains Critical Injury in Sarasota Accident

A 46 year-old man was in critical condition following a truck-bicycle accident recently. The driver of the truck was charged with careless driving. The 46 year-old victim will also likely be cited, despite his injury, for not having a headlight or taillight on his bicycle.

The victim was transported by emergency personnel to Blake Medical Center due to the injury he sustained in the accident at the intersection of Proctor and Bliss in Sarasota. He had been travelling on his bicycle in an eastbound direction on Proctor Road. According to the police report, the bicyclist did not have any safety lights on his bicycle. The 21 year-old truck driver of Sarasota was driving his 1997 Ford F350 truck directly behind the bicyclist, but was unable to see him, according to the Highway Patrol who responded to the accident.

Officials indicated that the right front of the truck hit the back end of the bike. The bicyclist was thrown to the ground, which was how he sustained his injury. All bicycles in Sarasota, as well as the rest of Florida, must be equipped with safety lights when ridden at night; however, even though the bike was not illuminated, police determined that the truck driver should have seen the bicyclist.

The bicyclist should consider consulting with an experienced and knowledgeable personal injury lawyer in Sarasota who has the expertise to make sure that he receives the compensation that he is due for his injuries. His lawyer can also assist him to ensure he receives the care needed to determine the extent and scope of his injury. Having an accurate diagnosis will mean that appropriate treatment can begin as soon as possible. The faster and more comprehensive the care, the better the chances of recovery.

Anyone who sustains an injury in an accident should likewise consult an injury lawyer to ensure that all damages, including any injury, from the accident are fully remunerated. In addition, an injury lawyer will investigate to determine any and all responsible parties. By ascertaining all who should be held accountable, your lawyer can help you to obtain the maximum amount of compensation possible.

If you are suffering from an injury that you sustained in a Sarasota accident, an injury lawyer in Sarasota can work to ensure that your rights are upheld and that you get the justice that your situation calls for.

Find the Right Personal Injury Lawyer with These Simple Tips

Everyone has been involved in an accident at some point in his or her life. Being in an accident can be traumatic on it’s own but when you add the entire medical and repair costs that occur after an accident, the whole experience can be downright terrifying. That is where personal injury lawyers come in. A personal injury lawyer practices solely with accident victims to make sure they do not have to pay for something that isn’t their fault. Should a person ever need the services of one of these attorneys, the process of selecting the right lawyer to represent them can be a nerve-wracking experience. There are so many personal injury lawyers with a practice, how can a potential client be sure the attorney they want to work with can best suit their needs. Here are three things a person should do before selecting an attorney to handle their case.

3 Things To Research When Selecting a Personal Injury Lawyer The Lawyer’s Educational Background

This tip might actually be composed of two steps. The first step is to conduct research on the attorney and find out where he attended law school. Now if someone is unfamiliar with the attorney’s school, they’ll want to move on to the second step, which is doing a bit of research on the school itself. Once all of that information is gathered, and if the results are pleasing, the client can dig a little deeper about the firm itself.

The Professional Experience of the Lawyer

Once an accident victim receives all the information about the lawyer’s educational background, they’ll want to look at the lawyer’s professional experience. What is the lawyer’s record with past cases, especially cases closely resembling the victims? If a client is pleased with the lawyer or the entire law firm’s case history, they can move to the next step, actually meeting with the lawyer.

The Initial Consultation

The last thing a person should do before deciding which attorney they want to represent them is set up an initial consultation. Most attorneys offer a free initial consultation. During this meeting, the attorney and victim will discuss the circumstances of the accident and determine if there is even a legitimate case. If so the attorney and victim can then discuss the compensation that the victim is owed. Hopefully people can avoid being in an accident. However, in the event of an accident, hopefully the victim will follow these three simple steps and find the attorney that makes sure the victim gets what is rightfully deserved.